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Absolutely superb game if you can stand the rough technical issues and somewhat obtuse design.

Gorgeous open world filled with so many neat things to explore without an exact path that lets the player make there own journey. Climbing and Gliding around the desert felt pretty relaxing and the OST from Japanese Breakfast also helps this. Never got bored with the exploration and figuring out the nooks and crannies of everywhere you go felt so rewarding compared to other open world games.

Biggest brick wall that Sable has is the technical issues that plague nearly every aspect. Things from severe framerate issues (even on 1080p you'll be seeing sub 30 almost consistently) to the soundtrack hitching (which is inexcusable imo) make the experience much harder to get through which is a shame. Also some smaller things like an inventory that feels way too obtuse to navigate and some dickishly designed quests can turn some off.

Despite all that I heavily enjoyed my time with Sable and would recommend it to those looking for a chill open world game that doesn't ask too much from the player.


Reviewed on Apr 18, 2023
