God of War 2005

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 3, 2022

Platforms Played


I liked it! A type of game that's usually not very up my alley but it hit a handful of points that I appreciated. While it does some odd things with some myths like Cronos or Pandora's box, it felt quite authentic to me as an ancient Greek tale. Feels like it could have been lifted right out of an old myth.
Felt good to play for the most part. The different weapons and magics you get aren't super varied but there's enough to keep things enjoyable especially with the short playtime. It feels quite fluid going through your wide reaching combos and being able to block or dodge at a moments notice when you see an enemy about to hit you. That reactiveness is probably my favorite part of the gameplay.
Sadly, this can end up getting sort of tedious with larger or tougher enemies that generally aren't hitstunned or will start blocking mid combo. You end up having to whack them two or three times and then immediately dodge their counter attack. whack whack dodge. whack whack dodge. whack whack dodge. This probably wouldn't be a problem in most action games like this but enemies in this game can feel very spongy at times, annoyingly so. Dodging also feels a touch awkward considering it rockets you in a direction fast as fuck and far as fuck even though your run speed is a touch slow. Also the first part of the final fights was dope but the rest of the following sections were just really annoying to me. Still was a pretty hype conclusion though, I liked the ending.
I really do wish I could say more about what I liked about the gameplay but ultimately it just.. felt good to hit stuff. And at the end of the day, if the flaws aren't super egregious, that's good enough for me. I'd probably rate this game a loooot higher if its whole aesthetic were more my taste.