Its just really boring. You're more or less at the mercy of whatever is thrown at you while you pray that the most helpful character/items/skills/etc are coincidentally on hand. Even when you do try to stock up on shit, very little is actually demanded from you in terms of engagement. There's some mechanically meaningful decisions to be made here and there but none of them are actually interesting to make.

The actual horror of the game comes nowhere near landing. Its a series of eyeroll tier "You see a spooky ghost!" level stuff that repeats over and over regardless of what mystery you're on, its rare for them to have meaningful relevance to the mystery at hand and even when they do its just a nothingburger event, nothing interesting happens. You investigate whatever location you're at a few times, encounter some boring irrelevant spooks, then the mystery moves itself forward.

I'm really not amused at how the game seems more interested in referencing junji ito plots and aesthetics than it is in conveying its own vision of horror. It doesn't have anything to say besides "Junji Ito is so cool!!"

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023
