Steam Next Fest Winter 2024 Demos I Played, Ranked

There's two other demos I played that aren't listed on Backloggd:
Bring Me that Shawarma: An insane visual novel that made me lose my mind and killed me with laughter. Is it good? No. But yeah kind of.
SINGULARIUM: Avoid. Extremely barebones, doesn't even have SFX and Music. More of a tech demo for a physics engine than an actual game.

For a long time I've wanted Inti Creates to experiment and find new ways to evolve the genre they've grown so experienced with. Umbraclaw is exactly that; it's a true evolution based on everything Inti has learned over the years. It's by far the most unique game I've played this Next Fest, and it has potential to be one of Inti's best games ever if it sticks the landing. So hyped!!!
A pretty bog standard rhythm game, but it's for Gunvolt music so I'm fully on-board. It's a bit barebones though, so I imagine it will only be for rhythm game diehards or GV fans like myself.


A very promising roguelike, but I'm noticing some red flags. Not sure if it's intentionally set this way for only the demo, but the damage scaling is INSANITY. You die in like 3 hits and have very few options to heal. I'm afraid this will be the case in the full game in order to incentivize the town-building aspect of the game, which is cool but very clearly intended to be as grindy as possible. Hoping that they strike the right balance in the full game.


Feels great to play, excellent voice acting, and promising writing. No notes from me, hope it sells well and doesn't get overshadowed by the new Prince of Persia game.


The Palworld of Mega Man Zero.

Alternatively: If 30XX is flirting, then this is harassment.


Blaze in the Deepblue was fun and I like deckbuilding games, so I thought this would be a surefire hit. Turns out this game is BORINGGGG. It's not fully voice acted (even though the Inti game was?), there's basically only one enemy type, and the demo was painfully easy. It also seems designed for controller first and foremost when I prefer mouse for these types of games. Not feeling this one.


Gunplay actually felt pretty fun but everything else is barebones if not dysfunctional. Also get this AI art outta my face, for the love of god


I was surprised to see that this was done by a Chinese developer because it gives me huge Russian media vibes. Surreal in all the right ways, albeit quite wordy. Puzzles were just the right amount of complicated too.

1 Comment

4 months ago

I feel the same about Umbraclaw, so excited for it as well!

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