Since Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was announced, I wanted to play through this game and its sequel in time to play 3 on day one. I was NOT expecting to be so hooked on this game that I’d complete it and its add-on story in just a couple weeks.

Xenoblade Chronicles might be the best-paced RPG I’ve ever played. Even though there were so many sidequests piling up for me to complete, I kept playing more and more of the main story without stopping to take a break because I just needed to see what was going to happen next. The main cast is nearly perfect, the twists are all well-written and earned, and the music accompanies the richly realized areas and cinematics so perfectly that I expect to be listening to the OST for years to come.

I actually really enjoyed the combat as well, even though I hear other games dramatically improve on its concepts. The only gripes I have with the game are the density of unnecessary sidequests (cut the number in half and double the rewards from each quest and you have a much better system, in my opinion) and the general jankness the game can have at times.

From looking around the internet it seems that some people have mixed feelings on Future Connected, but I absolutely loved it. They gave much-needed closure to Melia’s character arc, Kino and Nene are wonderful additions (though I could do without the “meh-meh”s) and the new tracks are so good that it has me even more pumped for XB3’s OST. Oh, and the Ponspectors make the game an 11/10 for sure. Ponspectors till we die!

Reviewed on May 16, 2022
