It's kind of poetic that this came out in April, since it was April 2022 when I first started my Xenoblade journey. It's been just one year since I played through Xenoblade Definitive Edition and, after playing 2, Torna, 3, and now this, I can call this series one of my favorites of all time. Honestly, after Future Redeemed I have to genuinely consider the possibility of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 being my favorite game of all time, a prospect that I haven't had to think about since, what, 2010? That's insane.

Everything about this is beautiful. It not only gives fans an endless supply of tasteful nods to past characters and events, but it also pays respect to the characters in a way I could only dream of. Seriously, every character - even the ones we don't see on screen - are given the closure that they needed given the writing of previous games. The magnitude of this is unbelievable to me; few directors are able to pull something like this off.

This might be the end of the "Klaus Saga," but I'm okay with that. If there's anything I learned from Xenoblade 3, it's that we must move forward to new horizons, lest we trap ourselves in the Endless Now. Thank you, Takahashi-san, for this wonderful gift.

Reviewed on May 01, 2023
