Dark Souls 1 is one of my most played games of all time, and i can't describe how good it feels to come back to a game after such a long time and find out he is better than you remebered.

I love Dark Souls 1 even more after Demon Souls bu i can't bring myself to like it more than Demon's, i think it's hard to like more than a game that sets the entire core of a director like Demon Souls did, but with that out of the way:

Dark Souls brings to the table a now interconected world map that would make Yoshio Sakamto jealous, you got a lot of new weapons and am absurd of viable builds to enrich Dark Souls replay Value, however it feels weird that we a got a lot of gank parts without changing stun times and lock on mechanics, the only 4 direction dodge from demon souls feel really punishing here, making STR and Heavy armor an easy must pick for this game, also, despite DS1 having an amazing level design you still got ass parts like Lost Izalith, Catacombs, and the infamous archer part in Anor Londo, but, i think it's impossible to nail every single aspect of a huge change on the map from the "stages" style of the original Demon's Souls. DS1 gives the player a lot of amazing bossfights, OST and art style, remarkable characters and one of the most unique gaming progression system on the industry, a masterpiece that deserves every the appreciation that it got.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023


6 months ago

Melhor jogo já feito junto com Banjo Kazzoie e GTA 4

6 months ago

@leonardomelete to precisando rejogar GTA IV ein