I'm sure I could write a full essay describing my thoughts on League, but...I don't have the energy for that. Instead, I'll put the following points.

1. I have a very, very high frustration threshold. League of one of only a handful of games that consistently surpasses it. It is unbelievably frustrating to get put into a situation where you have no chance of winning, it's incredibly obvious, but your entire team refuses to surrender, forcing you to suffer for 40 minutes.

2. The Champions are great. I won't say that all of them are, but there are a good portion with plenty of fun and unique kits.

3. Lore and story is good.

Ultimately, though, I would never recommend someone play League. I play it maybe a couple times a year now, and almost never alone. I used to greatly enjoy it, but the balancing is just insane. Either my team gets stomped, or my team stomps. Theres almost never anything in between, making losses frustrating and victories boring.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2023
