Favorite Games Played in 2023

This what not playing bad games does to you. Ranked but top 4 is all peak 10/10s so just a little personal bias.

Super fun and creative game with a great story to go along with it. Loved the concept for the gameplay from the start and it kept getting better.
Genuinely some of the most fun I've had in Fire Emblem with 5, maybe even 6 good characters! Story sucks, has one good stretch but idc it was a fun game. Wind Across the Plains remix saved my life.
Insane how a prequel based on one Tsukihime Character that is barely at all tied to Tsukihime was so incredibly peak. Some of the best presentation for a VN out there and some of the best story. Soujyuro, Aoko and Alice form an incredibly fun and varied trio to watch. It's insane to imagine that Nasu supposedly still has 2 VN's worth of content for this cooking (PLEASEEEE)
Ultimate chill vibes media with some amazing character work and moments. Great cast of characters to relax with and pour drinks for. Only negative is that there isn't 90 more hours of this game. I'd never stop playing it.
HAKUNO KISHINAMI DID IT AGAIN. UNPARALLELED MC. Cast gets more peak even from OG, love how it expands on OG and Hakuno. Gilgamesh was incredible to follow as well. A game that makes me unironically love Shinji Matou must be praised.
Maya Amano my beloved. Improvement over Innocent Sin in every way except I prefer IS's main cast, BUT, this one is still peak. And the overall story I enjoy more. Gameplay was actually interesting too. But yeah. Peak Duology.
Peak BRS media. Really fun gameplay, great style and presentation. PSP peak, Niino peak director. WRS my love.
A great sequel to Tsukihime. Filled to the brim with fun moments, lovely new lore and characters. Balanced seriousness and goofiness really well imo. One of the best in that regard.
My beloved. 5 routes of peak. Even my least favorite was still great. Overall opinion is high, peaks are high, the lows are high(a few moments I don't like but they're few and far between) incredible characters. Shiki, Arcueid and Kohaku are all timers.

Michael Roa "Tsukihime" Valdamjong is my wife.
Tatsuya Suou my beloved. This duology is incredible and I loved going through it. IT'S cast I like more overall based on their interactions.


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