Might be inflating my score a bit here because I think this is the kind of thing that this series sorely needs: unexpected, strange, fun ideas.

Really good for a free thing, and a bit more chunky than I expected. Art is consistently great and while the writing dips a little into the "max quirky" visual novel area a couple times, it mostly maintains a solid fun and consistent tone with a decent underlying story to tell. Music was surprisingly solid too, and I was surprised to see the musical credits. Very glad they used more of the extended cast this time around. People who worked on this clearly had a love for Ace Attorney, and they executed pretty well on that.

I liked the gameplay segments a lot, though there were a few too many of them for my taste by the end (especially when they put them between every instance of presenting evidence). I wish they would have had sidestepping into lanes instead of free control so you don't step one pixel onto the spikes constantly. The mystery is also pretty straightforward; again it's free and ultimately a product for children so I didn't expect too much, but there is really no room for error or misinterpretation here.

More of this, Sega!

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2023
