Feverish rejection of imperialism. To become jaded to the higher powers. Ulysses is a man taken his breaking point and left unchecked for so long that he reaches past the answer he was looking for and becomes convinced that tearing down a nation also means killing people who were merely born under it.

The flag Ulysses carries isn't a show of allegiance to the Old World, in the end. He clings onto it because to him, it symbolizes a nation created out of common interest, something that isn't the product of strong-arming, steamrolling, or massacring everyone in the way of how far you want to expand your borders. To Ulysses, the Old World symbol isn't an allegiance to the Old World, it's an allegiance what The Divide could have become. A place in the wasteland that was surrounded by the Old World banner, but unlike the Legion or the NCR, didn't model itself after an already failed set of values from the Old World.

The Divide is fucked, and it's the best set piece you'll get in this game. It's haunting, and beautiful.

Played on Linux through Proton 6.16-GE-1. Mods in Use: NVSE, NVAC, NV Stutter Remover, 4GB Patch, MTUI.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2021
