DOOMATHON entry #7/20

Where Scourge of Armagon chose to take the dark fantasy theming to more eccentric places in its latter two episodes, Dissolution of Eternity aims to do the same with the premise of travelling between dimensions, having a greater variety of level themes across both time and space.

What results is the wildest theming seen in any of the official content for Quake 1 accompanying some consistently overlong maps and fascinating design choices. I personally didn't find any of it too overwhelming and still had a lot of fun, but I can't blame anyone for wanting to pass on extra long maps in which the ground sometimes quakes(!) for some godforsaken reason, and "new" weapons that are almost exclusively higher-damage variants of existing ones. Although definitely not as much of a must play as the previous mission pack, I found it to be well worth revisiting both for the creative bright spots and for completion's sake.

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Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
