This isn't a review of Red Dead Redemption 2, but a rant of a certain thing that I believe plagues this game and other Rockstar games.


All of the Rockstar games I have played, which albeit is not many, have a mechanic where you run faster when mashing 'X'. Why? Why do I have to develop carpal tunnel syndrome to move faster in a Rockstar game? In Grand Theft Auto, you only do this for running and riding a bicycle. In RDR 2 you do it for the same thing, but also when you want to gallop on your horse. And I ask the same question, why?

That's like if you want to drive above 30 mph in GTA, you have to mash 'X'. That's awful. Why do I have strain my thumb to make the boring ride of nothingness between missions shorter. The wild thing to me is that you don't have to do this on keyboard and mouse. I played RDR 2 originally on PS4 and abandoned it because my thumb kept aching because of the stupid mashing. WHY ARE THERE NO ACCESSIBILITY SETTINGS FOR THIS!? As of writing this I'm playing the PC version and not having thumb pain genuinely elevates the experience. Last time I ask this question, WHY DOES THIS EXIST?!

That's all from me, and thank you for reading through all of my rambling. Here's to hoping Rockstar finally develops the technology to allow sprinting without mashing a button on a controller.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

It was an exploit to retain stamina while sprinting in GTA3, and the subsequent decades of this recurring mechanic is our collective punishment for using it.