I am incapable of finishing this damn game. I have started and dropped numerous playthroughs of DOOM but often give up during the first time in Hell. It's strange because I quite like this game. Ripping and tearing and such is very fun, and exploring the levels for secrets and Funko Pops is enjoyable to me. And the difficulty at least on ultra-violence is far from frustrating to me. The core components of DOOM are all fantastic, which leads me to feeling confused as to why I am the way I am with this game.

I can't quite put my finger on any specific reason as to why I struggle with getting through DOOM other than the vague notion of "fatigue". Maybe combat encounters are too frequent and exhausting, or maybe it's the other side of the spectrum and exploration is too lengthy and hollow. Deeper in my playthroughs I just end up feeling sick of playing at the end of sessions and dread starting a new one. However, when kicking off a new playthrough I always have a blast, I just get worn down.

I think it's a real shame, I want to love this game; it’s unapologetically cool, combat is stellar, soundtrack slaps, and the world just resonates with me. But something about DOOM keeps me from loving it. Maybe DOOM Eternal will click with me in a way that 2016 doesn't. Or maybe one these days I'll finally have a playthrough I want to finish.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2024
