I'm not a big Assassin's Creed guy, I wouldn't say that I hate them but I in no way love them. I see potential, being able to play in a variety of different places throughout history is a pretty cool idea. Origins has the setting of ancient Egypt that I feel isn't explored all too often in games. However, everything besides the setting that makes up this game is so bland and mediocre that I can't be bothered to finish this.

Origins gives you the classic Ubisoft open-world experience. Exploration and discovery, who needs that when anything and everything remotely interesting has a big icon to meander towards. Towers, I love towers! My favorite part of towers is that when they reveal more of the map they then cover it again with more icons. Time to go to one of the several thousand map markers to find a bargain bin Witcher 3 sidequest and get rewarded the same sword I have but the number is bigger and the icon is purple. Riveting stuff...

Origin's isn't a bad game, but a mediocre one; which is arguably worse. If it was bad, I could laugh at it. I wasn't crazy about the old style assassin's creed games but I feel this new style just sucks. It feels like the budget version of better games, so why waste my time with this when I can just play those games instead.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023
