Teardown 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 10, 2024

Platforms Played


What a unique game. When I started Teardown I expected it to be more action heavy. Quickly pulling off your heist before you get caught and in a way that's what it is, but 95% of the time you're in preparation mode and clearing up your upcoming path and figuring out how to approach your goal.

I feel like too many missions boil down to collecting stuff in 60 seconds. They mix it up quite nicely at times by making you put cars into water or make you deal with difficult terrain, but it still turns out a little bit repetitive when you're just going from goal to goal, blowing up walls to create your path. It's funny because in the last third of the game they introduce some new ideas that should've been used more often.

In any case, I enjoyed the game quite a lot and I can see myself going back to complete all of the optional targets with the additional equipment I gathered, but it still feels like some potential was missed.

Would love to see an iteration on the formula some day.