So when this is good, it's REALLY good. The stuff in this game that I liked I really liked. I think that Mae is an awesome character, and the exploration of her state of mind at this point in her life is handled near perfectly in my opinion. Unfortunately there's about 8 hours of game surrounding all of the good stuff. I think that this feels very nascent in that in 20 years time we might look back on NitW as a game that paved the way for much more effective and fully formed works of art, it's very clear that games as a medium are still in their kind of, experimental phase in a lot of ways? and that makes complete sense considering they've only been around for the last 40-50 years compared to films and books which have been around for a whole lot longer. I think this game is worth playing but it is also very frustrating in a lot of ways.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2022
