This is very good. As a precursor to everything that came after it is amazing, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I found this frustrating at times. I found the first hour very enchanting, everything up to and including Kakariko Village was wonderful. After that when the map opens up I was initially excited but pretty quickly became tired of it, I thought that everything looked too similar and actually travelling around was boring instead of fun. I know that it is unfair to compare it to Link's Awakening since we wouldn't have LA if it wasn't for ALttP but exploring Koholint is so charming and fun, even when it is frustrating! I don't know if that makes sense but even when exploring the overworld of LA was frustrating I was enjoying it, Hyrule however was just irritating to me after a certain point.

The dungeons mostly rock though! Yeah! Dungeons! I love them. I do not like the hands that grab and take you to the beginning of the dungeon, they suck. I do not like that the enemies respawn when you go back into the room in the dungeon. that sucks. the puzzles however? v good. I enjoyed. For the MOST PART. I finished this over a week ago and I remember thinking the ganon's tower one was good but also would've been very annoying without save states. I think that this review probably sounds like a whole lot of moaning but I did really enjoy playing this game! I found it compulsive!

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2022
