I really enjoyed this game, it's good! I think the dungeons are all pretty great, my favourite was the one with the water element that used the hookshot a lot. I did the Ice dungeon as like the second dungeon which I found out after was an insane way to go, I think that brings me to my personal problem with the game...

I think I like being told what to do? Link's Awakening has a flow to it where between the dungeons I was exploring the overworld trying to uncover the secrets and work out what was next, and unlike Link Between Worlds I ENJOYED searching around the whole place over and over. It felt like it funnelled me through the world in a way that made me feel super smart, but was also quite obvious about where the next thing was. A Link Between World's instead is closer to BotW where you can kind of do the game in whatever order you want. This is cool I guess? It's just not what I want out of a Zelda game I don't think.. I really like going through each dungeon and getting an item that is specific for that dungeon, which can then help you out in the overworld/other dungeons after. In this game you have access to all of the items pretty much from the get go, you still get some items only in the dungeons but the most important ones you get from the shop and I just remembered that I never got the pegasus boots? no clue where those were. I have done a whole lot of moaning. I don't particularly like the overworld since it is so similar to ALttP which I played earlier this year, and I wasn't huge on it then. Anyway the dungeons are SO good that they account for my 4.5 star rating. look forward to my BotW review

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2022
