Hello. I had heard for many years that Skyward Sword was 'bad' or 'not good' or 'cringe' and I had recently heard from other sources that it was good actually. My fiance played it when it came out on the Wii and liked it a lot at the time, although I did fight the final boss for her because she could not do it! Pretty early on into playing Skyward Sword HD I was having a good time, I was waiting for it to get bad. I waited a long time for it to get bad. There was a point in the latter half of the game where I thought it had gotten bad with some tedious fetch quests, and I was expecting the rest of the game to be backtracking to all three main areas and just retreading old ground, literally. Then after the fetch quests it went back to new stuff. Good stuff. I don't think it ever got 'bad' ! ! ! ! ! !

It's quite clear that the motion controls got in the way of what this is, which is a very good Zelda game, it's constantly doing new things, then later on doing new things with those new things. The dungeons (mostly) absolutely bang, I really enjoyed the pirate ship one in particular. I enjoyed basically all of them! The final dungeon was a treat with the slide puzzle rearranging the layout of the dungeon.

There is a lot to talk about here in terms of how SS introduces ideas that are then further developed in Breath of the Wild. I am not going to talk about those things but I am going to say I think that I hope that Tears of the Kingdom continues to take from SS and improve upon them. Dungeons! Dungeons !! that's what I want dungeons !! ! ! !

I will be playing this good game again at some point I really liked it. It is imperfect and has issues and I can't be bothered to talk about them so I won't. I like this game, maybe I will even grow to love it. :)

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022


1 year ago

Fantastic review Martin!

1 year ago

Thank you Kieran :)