This game starts off GREAT. I loved the tone and feel of it, I saw someone refer to Stephen King and David Lynch and this is kind of that! It feels like if Stephen King wrote Twin Peaks, so worse, but still fun! I thought the story set up was very exciting and intriguing, I loved when it said 'end of episode 1' and credits music played and it was like a tv cliffhanger. loved it. after a few more hours of repeating the same shine a light on a demon then shoot them gameplay and then a bit of story I was kind of well, bored! I wish that this game had the confidence to lean into it's story more without feeling the need to pad out the gameplay with combat. I hear that Control is a much better game and I will be interested in playing that. Before finishing Alan Wake I was going to get Control very soon but after playing it I don't feel such urgency. I think it could've been an amazing 5/6 hour game instead of an occasionally great 10 hour game.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022
