Don't fucking remember when I played this, it was awesome though. I guess I didn't really finish it though because I didn't do Claire's story (I'm sexist)

When this worked for me it really worked, I loved mapping out the police station in my brain and unlocking doors, it felt like a zelda dungeon but huge and scary. Then they drop that big guy in there and he follows you around and it made me piss it was so horrible. Genuinely terrifying game design and it was great, I was fucking squealing running away from him, just knowing that he was there stalking me felt awesome. I think the game gets weaker once you finish the Police Station section, the underground and lab and all that just weren't really my thing, it was good don't get me wrong but just didn't scratch the right itches for me! I am very glad I played this however, I'd like to play Residential Evillage 4

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023
