Here's the thing - If you're interested in playing Baldur's Gate 1 on modern platforms, you've got two less-than-stellar options, and both are held hostage by a company that couldn't care less about artist integrity, respect for one of medium's great masterpiece franchises, or even you - the player- for that matter.
Beamdog, the developers behind Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition as well as some ex-pats from the golden days of Bioware, took it upon themselves to rework and remaster the game for the sake of the "modern audience." To give the devil its due, this came with some great improvements for playing on modern hardware, such as additional screen resolution options, further zoom-out, and other general quality of life issues.
What they didn't improve on however, was stability, crashes, balance, or even respecting the original source. During development on BG:EE, Beamdog began remaking the cutscenes from the original game to look more modern and polished. However, it was confirmed that the original cutscenes would not be included as an alternative option if you wanted the original experience. Beamdog's response to the complaints? Cease further work on the remastered cutscenes and release the game with many of the cutscenes wholly absent in their entirety. Beamdog also took it upon themselves to shoehorn in their own original characters and content, all of which have the creative gusto of a young adult fanfiction. All the new companions Beamdog added are inconsistent with the game's theme and tone, have piss-poor quality modern-era writing, and stick out like a sore thumb. As with the cutscenes, you are not able to toggle off these cringeworthy new characters, and are forced to mod them out if you want a more genuine experience to the original game. That mod, I might add, is by far the most popular mod for this title.
No worries, you may think. I don't want to give Beamdog my money. I can just buy the original game and install mods to bring it up closer to the quality of the enhanced edition! After all, most of the improvements Beamdog "added" were already popular mods for the original. That would be a valid option, however when the Enhanced Edition came out for each of their titles, Beamdog had all the original games pulled from every digital storefront, and instead forced them to be "bundled" in with the Enhanced Edition. Effectively being held hostage by the very company who spits all over the legacy of the games they claim to preserve.
With Baldurs Gate 3 on the near horizon, I don't blame anyone for wanting to experience the originals. Before you go pulling the trigger on the games however, I'd recommend exploring the avenues available to you to "sail the high seas." Beamdog does not deserve the respect of your investment, and the sooner they dissolve away from the modern gaming industry the better.

Would be rated higher if there was any singleplayer or local content worth a damn. However, back in the day this game had some of the greatest online multiplayer I've ever experienced. The mech building mechanic was highly detailed and customizable without being overwhelming. If only there was anything close to this experience nowadays.

Mechanically, this game is solid and incredibly immersive. Bar none, the most visually gorgeous game I have ever played. You can easily sink tons of hours into the first two maps that ship with the game, and the first handful of maps they released as DLC are also very high quality.

The problem is that the game has turned into a mismanaged mess, filled with game-breaking bugs, save file corruption, and cheap quality DLC. This game is so infamous for its horrible bugginess that the game's main subreddit always contains a disclaimer in huge font to back up your save file directory on PC before attempting to play any major update. If you're on Xbox and your save file gets corrupted, you'd better hope the cloud has your back or else you're SOL. It's really a shame what this game has turned into, but if you're alright with just playing the base game along with the first year or so of DLC, then this is a great relaxing immersive experience to have.