Every time I see the icon, I replay it.

It's so deliciously sweet and a perfectly short length...!

I liked the voice acting and name switch. The logo/thumbnail are cute too.
Pretty yawn-inducing and forgettable otherwise. Not even it's twist saves anything.

It's possibly-Patapon design won me over. That and how finding each new shape somehow stays satisfying and is always different with how everyone walks around...

A near-perfect WarioWare-inspired minigame collection that blends maturity, silliness, the addiction of repetition and capsule machines... plus more very weird stuff! It's an odd commentary on menial labour and meager rewards, technically speaking it's incredibly tedious to actually unlock everything. But I don't care. It's fun and silly and taunting, everyone will have their favourite games, and ultimately you just have to shut up and get back to work.

I still wish there was more games though...! :3

Been playing this for a few years now, it's pretty fun playing it daily... it's definitely designed towards in-app purchases, but I'm okay taking it slow!

Adorable and well-designed Vtuber, nice framing and simple "game" to be played, the ending was surprising but felt interesting, overall quite short but pleasant!
Not enough depth to be worth replaying, especially with the way the camera moves around during encounters sometimes causing unintentional deaths.
Would love to see more of Citri though!

A super cute Game Jam experience. Feels like a full, quality side quest, and its about that length!

Awful game portion, excellent CGs!
Really good CGs. sweats
Um... realllll nice. pulls collar
You see what I'm implying here?
Okay cool.

Buh-Buh-buh-Bubberducky Bubberducky Bubberduck! A-Bubberducky Bubberducky Bubberduck!
You can play AS Bubberducky, and that makes it an instant classic!

"The very best videogames in existence leave you with a whole mess of memories that are so varied and entertaining that you can leaf through them like a photo album. VVVVVV is one of those games" - Quintin Smith

I agree wholeheartedly, and this idea has changed the way I think about games, and how I reflect on them.

VVVVVV is a special kind of game! Thanks Terry, thanks Souleye, thanks Bennett, and thanks Quinns!

Eastward feels like a natural, smooth step up from Mother 3, (although a small step down in a slightly more simplified story and focused, uh, focus,) a perfect blend of more mature references and modern gameplay applying. It hits a number of similar beats, having a very familiar Chapter structure, and deals with its themes and characters both seriously and humorously, switching/blending easily.

Combat is simple while still having room for variation in playstyle, ammo rarely being a problem. The inspirations are clear and references hit nicely, feeling well-integrated and never taking you out of it. Puzzles and exploration are smart and exciting, secret passages and stray chests abound! Lighting and sound design are of special note, 3D rumble does some really subtle things with heartbeats pumping and train tracks clacking along...

It isn't perfect, a few little loose ends stay that way, a couple beats can be confusing, the combat stays simple and clean, but has no room for much personality or improvisation. But pretty much all of these things are negligible, barely affecting the strength of the experience.

The depth, feel, character and score create an incredible world teetering on the brink, a real place with people I learned to care about...
Well done PixPil, what a fantastic experience, and only your first game as well! An excellent addition to the Motherlike genre!

An extremely repetitive experience, with the highlights being the also repeated voice clips, the short looping songs, and the short animated cutscenes.
Really only for fans of Odyssey, which I am but even as a kid was kinda bored by it a little.

One of the best usages of 3D from a 3rd party I've seen, incredibly solid!
Though it is fun to replay levels with different objects that affect speed, damage, and boost, with only 10 levels its all over pretty quickly.
Going for a faster time/score is fun though!

I unironically like this game.

The controls can be a little iffy sometimes sure, the items do require some skill to use effectively, and the graphics could use a little polish, but I really enjoy it.

There was clear thought, time, love, and effort put into this game, and I can't help but love it.

Love this game, and everything about it!
Except playing it.