It's a short indie zelda-like with heart, but not nearly enough substance to be truly great.

The game consists of 5 dungeons, played from a traditional top-down perspective and consisting of multiple floors. Laden with puzzles and loot, the story is literally to get lots of treasure and loot. Simple as. About half of these puzzles are some of those infuriating sokoban/box-pushing puzzles that really got on my nerves, and switch pressing puzzles that contain clues hidden throughout the entire floor, necessitating a lot of backtracking throughout each dungeon. It's very easy to get lost.

The writing, what little there is, is tongue-in-cheek, but it rings a little hollow when the humour of poking fun at tropes has been so completely done to death by 2019 that you need to do something interesting with it to stand out from the crowd, which this game unfortunately does not.

The combat is also incredibly basic, sticking to the old Zelda method of swinging a sword in the general area in front of the hero, and also a ranged magic option. However, part of what makes Zelda so great - bombs, boomerangs, all sorts of gizmos that are as useful for combat as they are exploration - are entirely absent.

Knightin is ultimately a short 2-4 hour game, but it doesn't do a good enough job of living up to its inspirations (while simultaneously mocking their tropes). Maybe worth a try if you see it for less than a dollar.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2021
