(This was played on the ECWolf source port, and this review is irrespective of the mission packs)
Honestly, I think this follow-up gets a little too much flack. Don't get me wrong, plenty of it is deserved, but I think this is a worthy follow up to Wolf3D all things considered, even if not exactly a net improvement.

The story, a prequel to the original Wolf3D (which itself already had a prequel expansion), is simple: Nazis stole the cool shiny spear, now go get it back. Rather than the episodic progression of the original game, which would see you going through 9 floors (plus a secret one) of mazes, corridors and Nazis, all bearing their own unique dominant texture and culminating in a boss, Spear of Destiny is one big 19-level gauntlet (plus 2 secret levels). You always retain your guns, ammo and health between floors, and you're going to need them.

The enemy selection is (mostly) unchanged - this unfortunately means the return of the mutants, who exclusively featured in Wolf3Ds second episode (and presented the worst difficulty spike in that game). As before, they don't have any aiming frames and can shoot you dead the moment you enter line of sight - and this game loves to force you down blind turns where one (or more!) await you. Heck, a lot of the levels in the second half devolve into mazes with enemies ready to unload into you, and that's not great; though, the original game is guilty of the same thing as well.

The bosses are all new, and some are pretty memorable (the Uber-Mutant's level design sets the scene perfectly), though ultimately it is just more Wolfenstein, and beyond the gauntlet setup doesn't do much original. Same enemies, same guns, same gimmicks, and all of them harder than ever. In spite of that, I found it a fun, challenging and yet exhausting end to the Wolfenstein 3D saga...well, I would if it weren't for those mission packs, but that's for another time.

There is one thing about this that was genuinely surprising and impressive (even if the result was underwhelming), and I won't spoil it here word for word, but the final floor is a hell of a surprise and caught me off guard - good shit, right there.

I honestly think Spear of Destiny is worth checking out if you want more Wolf3D - that is the whole point, after all, but it offers a pretty good campaign for what it is. However, I can very much see why id Software chose to abandon the series after this and work towards something that would end up being far better remembered in the gaming landscape - but more on that another time.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2022
