I've finally finished the second chapter of CDPR's The Witcher Saga Trilogy. While the first Witcher is a complete masterpiece in my eyes, the Assassins of Kings is mediocre at best.

The plot is too political for my taste (yes, I know The Witcher was (and will be) about politics, but for fuck's sake), and that's not even a complaint. The story is just hard to follow. Too many stupid names, stupid lands, stupid intrigues, stupid twists, stupid conspiracies, and while we're at it, count stupid quests as well. Kaedwin, Aedirn, Temeria, and Redania omfg just stop with this bullshit. I don't want to google everything, I just want to enjoy the gameplay. And while the story is hard to follow, it has its moments. The characters are great. Letho is a wonderful antagonist. He's not even a villain. And Triss is nice. Yes, baby, I'm gonna pick you in the Witcher 3. Fuck Yen.

Now, the gameplay. Fuuuuuck. This game tries to be better than the first one, but in reality, it is worse. I like the combat system, occasionally. But I prefer casual combat from the first one. It has its charm. It's not that clumsy. It's not that "spam-ish". BUT. I love the leveling in the Assassins of Kings (what makes me wonder, is why CDPR changed the leveling system in the third game and turned the game into a complete disaster... Guess, I'll never know). Now, bugs are another problem. The absence of running is a huge problem. Dumb game design is also an issue for me. I HATE LOC MUINNE. FUCK EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CODED IT.

Ultimately, I'm hesitating between 2/5 and 3/5, but I like the way they plotted everything specifically for The Witcher 3, so it's 3/5. BUT. I'll never play this game again. It's not replayable at all.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Fuck Triss. All my homies hate Triss.