Half-Life 1998

Log Status






Time Played

12h 25m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 20, 2023

First played

November 19, 2023

Platforms Played



12h 25m


First Time

November 2023



I felt like the 2nd half didn't quite match the 1st half in terms of quality. Still fun mind you, but levels kind of dragged during the latter portions of the game. Xen wasn't as bad as I'd heard people say in the past, though it could've been better.

I actually had to look how to perform a long jump.

5h 10m




You know I truly have my doubts regarding Gordon's credibility as a scientist. After coming to work late, he immediately tampers with the security desk computer, and then proceeds to; harass his co-workers; flick all the lights on and off; cause soup in a microwave to explode; expel all of the cans in the vending machines; and invade the privacy of two scientists in the restroom. To top it all off, he even jumpstarts a resonance cascade resulting in the outbreak of an alien army and killing majority of the staff employed at Black Mesa!

Although to be fair if not for him I wouldn't be playing the game so there's a silver lining to the chaos. Hard to believe Valve used to make games, wonder why they don't do that anymore. Despite showing it's age and the clunky interactions with the environment, it holds up surprising well for a game released back in 1998. Again, my biggest qualms so far are the really annoying hitboxes for environmental hazards, I died at least half a dozen times on 'Chapter 8: On A Rail' because I jumped off to close to the edge of the train and go squished. Fans are a nuisance likewise, and I gave up trying to get ammo from behind one after failing a few times.

Gunplay is solid, but enemies often can feel like bullet sponges, but this might just be down to me not using the right weapons or attacking or the correct time. The magnum can one-shot several of the medium sized creatures and turrets. I found out shooting the green-psychic blasting guys while they're charging up deals more damage so it pays to be risky.

Currently 2/3 of the way through so I'll probably finish this next session. I haven't been playing too many games recently because I've been too busy playing the hit new release 'seasonal depression' and so far it's been a downer to be quite honest.

7h 15m
