This game is a really tough game to judge, because on one hand its one of the most ambitious games I've ever seen. The amount of characters and love put into every nook and cranny is incredible, and its obvious this was made with passion. However, what others see as a giant, fulfilling roster, I see missed potential. Regardless of the size, a lot of picks on this roster are boring as fuck, and all fighter's move sets are dull and uninspired. I would've loved to see more inspiration taken from the source material for so many fighters. The biggest offender of this I think are all 3 links. Each one could have been so full of references to source material and used cooler abilities from each of their games. But instead, they're all the exact same fighter with the most boring sword moveset imaginable. This mindset also applies to characters like Sonic, Joker, Mario, most Pokemon, and more. Also, there are 0 indie characters (steve doesn't count as hes owned by microsoft) in the main roster. There is plenty of side inclusion, but to have the indie scene of gaming pushed to the side as it is in Smash Ultimate is very disappointing to me. Overall, I love this game and everything it stands for, but every time I play it I just see what could've been.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2022
