Overall Rating: 9.4/10

- Great Level Design
- Best Boss Design in the Series and Adds onto that with Some Fun and Inventive Bosses
- Contains the Amazing Original Music and Remixed Music with some added Extras.
- Fun Boss Rush Mode/Boss Rush Multiplayer Mode
- New and Improved Stage 5’ Compared to Original
- Extras Give More Reason to Explore Expansive Stages to 100%

- Graphics Are Heavily Dated As Most 2.5D Games on the PSP Usually Are
- Game Doesn’t Perfectly Control Like Rondo
- Wish There Was More Added Content
- Did Not Fix Meh Stage 1/2 of Dracula Which is a Shame Since it’s One of the Few Bad Bosses in Rondo of Blood

One of the best 2D platformers of all time remade for the modern era… or rather the era of the late 2000’s. The Poor Graphics do sour this game, and I do wish that we had more stages/extensions to short stages from Rondo. However, it is undeniable to say that this game doesn’t perfectly lean on the gameplay aspects that made the original great.

The added reasons for exploration only see to enhance the game’s original stage design, and the added bosses perfectly follow the great and dynamic boss design of the original.

While I wouldn’t say in it’s current state it replaces the original, I would say if just a few things were changed, it wouldn’t be crazy to say that this is the definitive version of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2021
