The first Armored Core game I've ever touched and holy shit did it blow me away.
The combat is so smooth and responsive - literally thee best mech combat in a game (I've played), hands down. Nothing is more satisfying than finishing off a boss fight by staggering the boss and then charging either a sword or the pile bunker and slicing/punching them to death.
The gameplay loop of getting new parts and spending hours experimenting with the different weapon types and builds is just pure addiction. The possibilities are literally limitless and so fun much to explore.
I love this game. This game fucks.
The only thing keeping it from a 10/10 for me is the story is a little lacklustre, with a bunch of it just feeling like padding. I will say it has its moments, especially in the final chapter. I know there are multiple endings as well going into NG+, but I don't think I'm gonna jump into getting all of that right away. It's nice knowing that this game exists and will always be there to jump right back into sick mech combat whenever I feel the urge to do so.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024


2 months ago

The part about staggering a boss and using a melee is so true. I did it for almost all bosses, and it made it feel soooo satisfying.

2 months ago

Bro, just that impact and the slow-mo make it so delicious. I actively died in some boss fights because I was always fishing for that melee finish lol.