A very pleasent experience if you are in the mood for it.
I didn't find the controls clunky or frustrating, as a lot of publications opinions on it seemed to imply. I figured out the controls quite quickly and maybe toppled over 2-3 times.
Still I found the basic movement mechanics enjoyable and challenging enough to make just traversing the world quite engaging.
While you traverse the world you get to see some really nice vistas. It gives you the feeling of traveling through barren landscapes just long enough before it gives you a little bit more content to chew on.

The story has a lot of really cool Ideas and themes, but Kojima just had to overdo it again, huh. A lot of his writing quirks just make it pretty funny and enjoyable to go through everything. I enjoy that I feel like I get to know Kojima more with every line he writes. Gives everything a nice eerie, disconnected feeling too.
A little bit too much for my taste. You have a really interesting cast of characters played by talented actors, but the writing doesn't ever really develope them too much. There are barely any nice interactions or arks the characters go through. They just pull you through the story leaving you wanting for more.
it's really too bad because emotionally the game is all there. From moments you are just climbing through mountains and a song by low rawr starts playing, to how the story and the world gets slowly unveiled it's mysteries to you.

Most important critique I have though is that I just want a goddamn walkman, kojima. I know you love yours. Why couldn't you give me one? It could be unlocked after you have uncovered the whole map or something to make it feel special... I just want to listen to music while being a good delivery boy.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2020
