Gameplay-wise, this game is decent. I see lots of similarities with some Zelda games, but this game still manages to get it's own unique feel and have fun with the concept. Getting friends and mixing their powers is pretty fun, but the game fails to provide any meaningful challenge. The bosses are pretty easy and the puzzles are pretty obvious, especially if they require some friend's power. The only challenge this game can offer is to be lost maybe 80% of the time. I tried my best without any guides but the story makes little sense and at times fails to point you to the right direction and some of the late-game levels are literal mazes I stumbled around way longer than I felt was needed.

In the end, I very much enjoyed myself. It's not a Zelda killer, but it's still managed to deliver an interesting adventure with some quirky humour.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2022
