Another "I'm not an RPG guy, but..." - review. Golden sun was pretty fun and engaging and apparently seriously ambitious project at the time. Of course, this left us with only a half a game story-wise, but I think the game did it's best with what little time it had. The puzzles in dungeons were fun to solve and the game's main gimmick with the djinns was fun to play around. It didn't really have any slow spots or droughts anywhere and remained challenging the whole way through.

The story itself is pretty simple, collect 4 (2 in this game) thingamagicks around the world and stop the evil calamity. The cutscenes themselves got pretty lengthy and even boring at times because there wasn't really any expressive input from our main protagonist. Just having yes/no-options to have our main interaction with the story really limited my own investment and immersion to the world, making this more of a game to run through instead of a journey for me to experience. Still, it was a fun pastime and I'm definitely going to check out the sequel eventually.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2022
