It's pretty basic run&gun-style game, just hold the shooting button and press right until your problems disappear. Gunstar Heroes is one of those games that have a pretty simple idea, but the execution is solid enough to leave a lasting impression. What sets this co-op run&gun apart from the rest is the weapon combinations. They are fun to experiment with and gives the game some replay value as you can go back and try out other combinations on levels you beat already.

There is some challenge, but the game is pretty easy to cheese with the right weapon combinations and has unlimited continues, so even the challenging spots are just the matter of banging your head on the wall until it starts giving in.

What I really can commend is the level design. Most of the levels are pretty standard deal where you just clear enemies and press right, nothing too fancy but never a hindrance, some levels even manage to have memorable and interesting visuals without sacrificing from the action. There are also levels where the gameplay is spiced up a bit with autoscrollers where you control some vehicles including a space ship and a minecart. These are probably the most memorable levels to me.

In the end, it's a good way to spend an evening, maybe you got a mate or a SO and you've already played Contra, in which case you should give this a try.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2022
