I rarely like fps-games, so for me to fall in love with Siege as hard as I did was a small miracle. It was more tactical than other fps games at the time and gameplay heavily leaned on teamwork and communication so you could more efficiently use your character's unique gadgets. Soloing this game is a nightmare and usually the best fun I had was with a preformed group. We liked to play Siege regularly up until the autumn of 2021, but fell off the wagon over the winter.

The game has seen numerous changes and additions over the years, some good and some less good. I cannot pinpoint exact reason why we felt that way, but Siege just stopped feeling fun any longer. Maybe it was the fact that Ubisoft had put the game in the backburner in favor of other projects but still tried to push esport scene for the sweet profits, the growing feeling of cash-grabbing with battlepass while removing the season pass (which given, they brought back, but the sentiment is still there) or maybe the game had just ran it's course and it was time for us to move on.

The gameplay itself is fun, but Siege has one of the most toxic communities in online gaming, on par with something like Dota or LoL. Finding teammates is hard for a game like this but it's miles better than solo queue, where you're put in a team with 4 total strangers that need to start pretending are your best friends for the next half an hour or your chances of actually winning the game are depending on if the enemy team has a similar composition or not. Most often the people I got put together with were the lone wolves that wanted to do their own thing and hunt for the enemy team alone like it was some sort of deathmatch game. I get it, roaming is an effective tactic for the defending team the attackers need to suppress fast, but if 3-4 people of your 5 man group are doing nothing else than roaming or hunting roamers, the actual objective of the match starts to look surprisingly difficult. Occasionally, you would get some good and coordinated teammates but those are somewhat on the same odds than those absolute nutcases who only exist to ruin other people's fun and send you hate mail afterwards.

So, if you decide to get in on Siege in 2022 (for whatever reason), just get yourself at least 3 friends to play it with. The game will be much more enjoyable with a full stack, trust me.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2022
