Like many other reviews have mentioned, it's truly a unique experience. It's not a super long one, my first playthrough took me around 2 hours. Despite the length, this game has managed to sit on my backlog ever since it's release. I remember seeing some ads for it when it first came out on PS3, but never got around to buy it until it was released on Steam and even then it took me couple years to actually play it proper. Now that I've played it, I got to say that I wish I had done so earlier.

I really like the sound design with pretty minimal songs and letting the ambient sounds do their work in setting up the atmosphere most of the time. The surroundings manage to feel calm and tranquil, also giving the game a sort of timeless feel. Of course, it still manages to drive the story home even without any dialogue by showing it in cutscenes, which aren't too revealing either and lets you piece it all together by yourself.

There isn't much to say about the gameplay itself other than it works. The controls feel fluid and solid and I never had to fight against my character's movement. There isn't much of a challenge other than couple enemies you need to sneak past, but majority of the time you're allowed to breeze through your journey with whoever you got connected with in multiplayer.

Somehow my partner got lost in the middle of the snow level and turned back. Still didn't ruin the game for me one bit, maybe the fact that you don't actually communicate with them makes it even better for me.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2022
