You want bomberman? Bomberman is as bomberman as a bomberman could bomberman. Okay, I'll stop. But honestly, it's a short and simple game with a solid and straightforward core mechanic. You have bombs, you plant bombs, you explode bombs until every single living being on the arena is dead.

The game isn't too difficult, I blasted through most of the game collecting powerups and only occasionally killing myself to my own smoothbrainess. The difficulty ramps up in the final area considerably and you really need to put everything you've learned to play if you want to finish the final stretch. It also helps if you have all the upgrades, but even with those it's going to be an uphill climb. Eventually I beat it, even the fast moving ghosts and the final boss, which were some bs, but I did it and I feel oddly proud for doing so.

I can recommend the game to everyone interested in where the series (or Gmod's famous melon bomber) got their start from. It's a short and simple pastime, I even completed this game on my bathroom breaks.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2022
