A love letter to the Thunder Force series with all the callbacks and a couple genuinely cool moments, shame that it feels half-baked though. Stages ended in a blink of an eye, playing it on harder difficulties only made it worse and pretty much unfun, despite it making the stages last slightly longer. It feels more like a tech demo for a supposed Thunder Force VI, which has a novelty to it if you want to enjoy the spectacle. I think Thunder Force VI has an appeal to it that emerges outside of the game itself, with the development history. The cancellation of the version on Dreamcast titled Broken Thunder with the amazing unreleased soundtrack from Hyakutaro Tsukumo, the Doujin game with the same title that literally used music from that unreleased soundtrack, and especially how Sega and Twenty-one Company(who acquired Technosoft) developed this, it's all fascinating.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2023
