Solid gunplay. Solid balance. Hell let loose scratches that itch for a hardcore shooter, but it doesn't make you run across a field for 30 min or put 100 hours in just to be able to play it.
Its got that hardcore, gritty gunplay and quite punchy audio, however good teamplay and player controlled spawns mean that it maintains a good level of accessibility.
The community is awesome, as the game has a large and pretty dedicated player base and trolls are frowned upon - usually being kicked and banned from servers. People want to win, and you will usually find 3 - 5 people in your squad on coms, with a separate voice chat just for the commanders and squad leaders. Many of these players are also very experienced, and very helpful if you have any questions about the game. You can drive a tank. You can operate artillery. You can snipe. You can use the mg42. And you can do all of this with a fantastic community and dev team behind the game.
Very good, my only gripes are performance (rarely) and the occasional 'silent squad' scenario which can be irritating.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2022
