It was epic. My first game. However, it had some flaws, mainly the Whale arc. That is still horrible in comparison to other games. Everything else, was fine, I love the power system, the story, the characters. The whale arc sucked.

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Strong 10. I never did Genocide, but I did, do the other routes. First of all, top tier characters. I don't even know how you make some weird robot epic. The soundtrack? Great. The story? It didn't exactly live up to its hype, but thats okay, because it's still good, plus you have Toby's crazy coding (flowey cough cough)

was gonna replay but then Flowey said I have the power to erase everyone's hopes and dreams. (So I didn't)

Honestly, this was one of the midder games. You got a chicken that appeals to furries and a bunch of animatronics that break your brains. The music box sucked too.

Out of the three, it had the worser gameplay. The lore, though? Good.

too scary. best edition tho (especially Halloween cause the puppet)

It was not worth suffering through the "secret ending" (the one where you play 12 AM to 6AM), for a custom night where you had to suffer more for more LORE.

Night 4 sucked too. Night 1 - 3 is only the good part.

I really liked this more than FNaF, but it really worked as a standalone.

Literally, the best FNaF game. The animatronics were actually scary, I was tense, but the controls were all over the place. RIP earphones.

Also the daytime stufff, addicting. Lore was easier to gain, (and depression) and multiple endings!

Worst FNaF game. This literally is like FNaF exam but almost every mechanic learnt in the past is meaningless. Sorry, Scott, but the jumpscares suck too.

I did not expect this to catch me off guard LMAO. Would give it a 10/10 just for its potential.

It's a time-passing game. That's it. You just race against a bunch of other AI cars on a map and either lose or win. And you get money to buy new cars, but the AI adapts so car speed doesn't even matter in the end. I still love this game, though.

Hopefully it gets better. HSR really dumps exposition and stuff, but I skip the tutorial and just blindly play with the controls. It's easy to learn, but the behind-the-scenes functions are not. Crit rate, crit damage etc. Once you catch up to the story, you spend your entire game time just making your characters stronger, which is heavily reliant on luck, if you don't want to waste money.

Story wise, it was great. I loved playing the companion quests and I was invested, but once I got to Xianzhou Luofu, it was a mess and I lost interest. It's hard to get back into the story again. Hopefully it gets better in penacony, haven't played as of 6/4/2024.

Character designs are amazing. Really great eye-candy. I love the animations, too.

Overall, it's a solid game. But a game that you have to commit a lot of time to. Story and maybe characters are the weak point as the story is all over the place in Xianzhou Luofu and characters lack screen time. Good thing we have companion quests that flesh the characters out. Building the characters is very grindy, but absolutely rewarding. This ends up being 90% of your playthrough. 6/10.