Its probably a lot more fun playing on easier difficulties where it becomes a big ol 10 hour powertrip, but trying to play the game on UltraViolence, which I initially thought was the game's "Heoric mode", quickly proved to be exhausting. Fights feel like they reach a satisfying difficulty about 1/4th in but then it just keeps going and going, samey arenas after samey arenas with enemies that can kill you in three hits around every corner and absolutely no safe zones on the map whatsoever. I get that its kind of supoosed to be "the point" of the game but it left me feeling genuinely Exhausted after most fights in the later game, most of which it felt as if I had to memorize through trial and error just to know how to handle them.

Everything other than fighting dudes feels like its wasting your time, and eventually replaying fights again and again felt like it was wasting my time too.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2022
