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There are no words to describe how much I detest the fact that the creators put passion into this shitty fucking game. I hate it. I hate it so much.

Gameplay-wise, nothing to brag about. You use a dinky little controller to control a janky drone that stops midair half the time.
Story-wise, I think the game expects you to care more than it does, or maybe it doesn't. Regardless, the papers you collect are only there for some wannabe MatPat (or MatPat himself) to scrounge up a shitty timeline of events.

Colorblindness Test: F
Doing the fucking blocks in the Jumbo Josh section made me want to rip my fucking hair out. Color is a very integral part of the game's "puzzles" so of course my ass is going to struggle.

If you're going to spend money on this game, legitimately go buy something else, it'll make you happier in the end and you can just watch Markiplier play it or something.