Gave this a whirl for my friends who are Sonic fans but don't have a Mac. All-in-all, I think it suffers from being basically a mobile game.
In general... It's, uh, Sonic? I don't have much of a reference considering the last time I played a 3D Sonic game was in Colors.
The stages are fine enough and don't feel linear at all, but having to replay them over and over drains my motivation, and that's the game's biggest downfall. The "beat the level while hitting all the checkpoints" and "collect the orb" are the only tolerable replays since they're so short, but then the "collect all six shards" or "beat the level in under 2 minutes) objectives don't feel different from the first run-around, which makes it boring to replay.

As for the characters, there's 3 groups (Sonic and Amy, Knuckles and Rouge, Tails and Cream).
Sonic's Group is the most fun to control because it feels like you have a lot more momentum and maneuverability.
Knuckles' Group is generally fine. I'm not a big fan of the climbing aspect but the game toys with it in interesting ways so it's not all too bad, and the gliding's good too.
Tails' Group is the one I find to be the most unwieldy. Flying lasts too little in the game and hitting the rings midair to recharge your flight meter can be a little tough to measure.

I was concerned about the lack of colorblindness settings, but I don't believe there's any mechanics that require colors, so it's fine.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
