I'm the first one to review this? How fun. I got to play this at a weird thrift store back when I was in Little Tokyo despite the fact that the Commodore 64 was made in Pennsylvania.
Anyway, this is a recreation of the classic Donkey Kong on arcade on the Commodore 64 that apparently wasn't licensed. The only way I can describe this is that it's... kind of like a Scratch game, actually. Mario's sprite doesn't change except when going up ladders, the barrels come out at random intervals and like to bunch up, and Donkey Kong (if you can even call him that) looks horribly messed up.
The controls feel really clunky and have a good bit of delay, but that's probably because I was playing it on a keyboard (and a fucking COMMODORE 64).
The game feels really unpolished in general. You can die to barrels/flames above if you jump while on the FLOOR BELOW THEM, you can actually fall in between the floor and just get stuck there, and fuck, the music is awful. I know it's a Commodore 64 game, but just do yourself a favor and unplug the sound system and put on something else.

Colorblindness Rating: C
On the later levels, the barrels go from a blue outline to a purple outline (which indicates the fact that they speed up if you are on the same level as them) which I couldn't see on first playthrough until my brother pointed them out to me. Kind of annoying honestly, but it's not like you're playing this for more than 10 minutes as a novelty.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

What a strange game