The saga continues, after the high note that Bust-a-Move 4 on the Gameboy Color was, the Playstation version is... depressing. Really depressing.

This is probably the best Bust-A-Move game objectively. Sprites that ooze charm, pre-battle interactions that are reminiscent of Puyo Puyo, banging music, interesting and fresh mechanics with the pulley system; it has everything you ever want from a Bust-A-Move game AND more with the inclusion of a Story mode.

I mostly played as Cleon this time, and I had fun watching her and the little CGs and pre-battle interactions with other characters.

This is definitely the "best" game to play if you're not colorblind, but I unfortunately don't get that luxury. It's a big shame too, I would've adored this game otherwise.

Colorblindness Rating: F-
It's so bad. It is so, so bad. The green, yellow, and orange are basically indistinguishable. The game is barely playable when I'm forced to deal with a combination of two of those colors, and if it's all three? Forget about it.

What a letdown.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
