The saga to find colorblind-friendy Bust-A-Move games continues and man. This game was so close. So, so close.

Before I get into the colorblind stuff, I'll give it a proper review first.
This game comes with the standard Bust-A-Move fare of Multiplayer and Single Modes; you got Story, Versus, Endless, Challenge, and this game even comes with EXTRA modes like Pressure, Puzzle, and Factory Modes. If you're looking for a content-rich Bust-A-Move game, this game has you covered pretty well.

This game has a couple of unique things going for it.
For one, it has an actual story mode where you must collect Cosmic Bubbles to help a magical fairy defeat the evil demon lord or something like that. Seems pretty generic at a glance, and judging by my friend DragonMals' review, it's probably not the greatest anyway.
Next, it's also entirely controlled via touchscreen, which might be a dealbreaker for some. I managed to get used to it quick, but I can definitely see some people get turned off by it.
Finally, the character roster in this game is pretty fun. They're not as iconic as the Bust-A-Move 3 bunch, but they have their charm.

Overall, it's a fine game. Let's move on to the part I wanna talk about now.

Colorblindness Rating: C
This game was so close to being the most colorblind-friendly. When I saw there were numbered bubbles in the shop, that's when I thought this might FINALLY be the one. Unfortunately, the game decided to ruin it.
So, first of all, the game doesn't even come with the option to use numbered bubbles; you have to grind in-game points in order to unlock them. Thankfully, it's not a very high number of points, but having to buy accessibility options in-game instead of starting with them is kind of scummy.
Other than that, these numbered bubbles solve LITERALLY EVERY PROBLEM I HAD TELLING APART THE BUBBLES! I could completely disregard color and just match the numbers, it was all I ever wanted.
Then the game decided "hey we have a good thing going here, let's ruin it" and it decides to add never-before-seen gimmicks, such as plastering a question mark over random bubbles but still showing the color around it. The question mark feels so demeaning, because I am pretty sure that it does NOTHING for the average person, but it completely ruins me when I can't tell the 5 and 6 bubbles' colors apart. It feels targeted, and it feels really bad.
As if the question mark wasn't enough, the story mode requires you to drop Cosmic Bubbles instead of popping them, but it's a very tall order when you can't tell what color they are because something is blocking the way of seeing the number. If it's a 2/3 or a 5/6, forget about it because I can't do it.

They came so close only to screw it up. Heartbreaking, for sure, but otherwise... it's definitely more playable than other interations, just with a few obstacles that feel maliciously placed that I really don't like.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024


2 days ago

love your colorblindness ratings. gotta give an F to the bar I was at last night with a bocce court inside. the balls were red and green and so faded and dusty that I couldn't tell the difference even if I tried...

2 days ago

@judgerussell I don't think I've heard of a bocce court until I read your reply, but after looking at some of the balls, yeah, I would have trouble telling them apart for sure. Ty for the reply!

2 days ago

@Memoats wow since when does tagging actually work! cool! happy to introduce u to it. bocce is for old Italian dads. I'll play a bust a move game when you complete your quest for the perfect one

2 days ago

Am I going insane or are those the same characters from the Bubble Bobble games?

2 days ago

@RedBackLoggd Yeah, Bub and Bob are the same characters. It's been like that since the first Puzzle Bubble! Also made by Raito.

2 days ago

@DragonMals oh lol, interesting

1 day ago

@judgerussell Haha, I'll make sure to reply to you when (or if!) I find it.

@RedBackLoggd Yep, just as Mals said, same dinos.

Oh, and I'll reply to the CE comment once I get home, I've been trying to find an image to show something I wanted to talk about in the reply.
You're good haha, it ain't life or death.