So, I finally played Drakengard 2. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this game. Started with Drakengard 3, Drakengard 1, then finally, NieR Replicant and after playing those I thought Drakengard 2 was not gotta impress me.

Well, it turns out I ended up really liking this game after all. The massive improvement in gameplay while not perfect, is actually kinda fun. The story is tonally different from Drakengard 1 doesn't really ruin it and in fact, adds to the first game. Like seriously, Caim, Manah, Angelus were done so much justice here that I don't see how ruins. In regards to the new characters, not all of them landed for me but the ones that did like Urick, Eris(after reading her novella), and Legna were really good. Unfortunately, Nowe was kinda underwhelming for me but he still had moments that I like especially in the final act.

That said, I think this game should've had one ending. The other endings don't really add much to the overall story and worth playing the game two times for so I recommend watching those.

Overall, I had a great time with Drakengard 2. This game is definitely over hated and as someone that likes DOD1, Drakengard 2 is great companion piece for it.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2021
