A friend brought his Oculus to a get-together and what I thought would be a quick "mess around in one little VR mission" session to throw myself back into the world of VR took nearly 2 hour dull, repetitive odyssey. And that's WITH him having done the tutorial first. I can't believe one entire questline took 2 hours. Why are VR developers not only incapable of just bringing the same game pacing as regular games over to VR, but making them so so SO much worse?

On top of that, I was expecting this to take place around, you know, Galaxy's Edge. Since it's in the title. Instead, I was out in a bunch of samey canyons and caves shooting one of 5 enemy types. Oh boy! That's my favorite thing about sci-fi or space fantasy, is when you strip unique settings away and give me a hiking tour with laser guns. Disney, you've done it again, you really get this franchise!

Speaking of "getting" this franchise, gotta love how if you have any kind of barrel chest or gut that the "shove items into your chest to store them" mechanic doesn't work about half the time. Sure, Disney, the bulk of Star Wars fans are fit and beautiful. We can see it every time we're at Galaxy's Edge. We're all in no way much closer to the Wall-E people at all.

Anyhoo, this was a decent albeit repetitive distraction while waiting for a rib roast to finish, but unless I were to find myself in that exact scenario again I don't know why I would touch this soulless thing any further. Saved me the curiosity of wanting to find a PSVR 2 to try it, at least.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
