Normally I like to write longer more detailed reviews but I am incredibly bias and I fucking love Metroid so I'll keep it short.

-On a pure "as a remaster" scale it's incredible. Loses none of the original game's aesthetic, atmosphere or tone while looking really nice, all while adding various different control options for your preference and some accessibility options (mostly just color blindness settings but hey its appreciated. I think. I'm not color blind so I don't know how good it actually is), and above all it truly is the OG game but shinier.

-Prime just fucking rules. I love these games and its franchises, a wonderful adaptation of Metroid's design philosophies into 3d. You can see some roughness but it's hard to complain with a game that was treading new ground, I also think the chozo artifact hunt at the end is a bit of a pacing fumbling (but this truly was a thing with gamecube games wasnt it), but I don't care I love it.

Really got me thinking about how there isn't anything that plays like the Prime series. The way combat works, the 3d exploration tools, the cool immersive UI design, all blended together into something truly unique. You should play Metroid Prime. It's cool.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
